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Next Members Meeting is Monday 24 Feb 2025 at 12:00 Qld
AGM - 24 March 12:00 (Qld) in ANZAC Room
---------------------------------Retrospective Discharge Information Session
To be held at 10:00 on Wed 12 March in the Sub Branch ANZAC Room - either in person or by Zoom
The information provided will enable a veteran to plan and execute their own application, on a purely self help basis. The Sub Branch will not provide any additional support, beyond providing the road map.
Register your interest by contacting Belinda at admin@thc-rsl.org.au or (07) 5536 1164
Next Outing -
Bus Trip to Westpac Rescue Helicopter and lunch at Lismore Workers Club. 08:30 (NSW) Tue 25 Feb. Tickets $25 on sale now
---------------------------------Pensions Advocacy
We currently have a 4 week wait time for appointments. If you need immediate assistance, please refer to RSL Qld - https://rslqld.org/find-help/advocacy
ANZAC Day - details to be published soon
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Tweed Heads and Coolangatta RSL Sub Branch Inc
"Mates Helping Mates"
Former & current Defence personnel and partners needing assistance with stresses of life, call / click on the link:
Open Arms - 1 800 011 046 - 24 / 7 access
Defence All Hours Support Line (for serving members - all branches) - 1800 628 036
Joe Russell (Pension Advocate) - 0438 735 153
DV Connect (Domestic Violence) - 1800 811 811
Partners of Defence Personnel - The Partners of Veterans Assoc. of Australia Inc. Click for web site and contact details
Tweed Heads South - Veterans' Access Network (VAN) located in Services Australia
100 Blundell Boulevard, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486
1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)
· Monday 08:30 -16:30
· Tuesday 08:30 - 12:30
· Wednesday 08:30 - 16:30
· Thursday 08:30 - 16:30
· Friday 08:30 - 16:30
Department of Veterans’ Affairs free 12 month general health and fitness program called the ‘Heart Health Program' - click for details
Families of Veterans Guild - click for more information
Veterans Health Week
The Tweed Heads and Coolangatta Sub Branch Wellbeing Team organised a seminar on a range of topics relating to various aspects of health living.
Presentations were given by community organisations who focus on delivering services in our local community, which can contribute to less day to day risk and improved lifestyle, especially to the older veterans.
In addition to the presentations, attendees were treated to a range of healthy foods for morning tea and a BBQ lunch.
There were 64 attendees including representatives from several Sub Branches, DVA, RSL Lifecare etc. The event was funded in part by a DVA Veterans Health Week Grant.
Feedback has been exceedingly positive and a tribute to the commitment of our Wellbeing Team.
Speed's Flying 100
Howard Maher (Speed), one of our Sub Branch Centenarians, completed his tandem parachute jump on Sat 16th Nov at Kirra Beach.
Speed was the first to jump out at 12,000 ft and did approx.. 200km per hour for 35 seconds as they fell. The instructor opened the parachute at 4500 ft and then at 2000 ft asked Speed if he wanted to fly or take control. Speed said he was already flying so he took control down to about 200 ft. He asked the instructor “am I going the wrong way” but was directed to go in circles. He said you can see how much he enjoyed it by his face in the photos
Made for veterans
Easy Access (click image above)
Accurate and current information (backed by research)
Current modules:
Be:Food Positive
Be:Set for Work
Be:Self Controlled
Be:Sleep Savvy
Be:Mood Mindful

Qualifying veterans can obtain these personal emergency alarms through RSL - contact the Sub Branch office - don't order directly from this website. Click logo for details
Wearing masks is encouraged in the Sub Branch if experiencing any Covid / flu type symptoms.
In personal emergencies, contact the phone numbers listed above in RUOK Section.
Support Animals in the Sub Branch - Explanatory Note
This Sub Branch recognises the significant health benefits many veterans gain from having a support animal, and that they are essential for many activities. This dependency is frequently observed by our advocates.
However the Sub Branch is obliged to conform with the relevant NSW regulations (ref above) allowing access for registered support dogs only, for the safety of all in the Sub Branch.
If your support dog is not yet registered, please consider taking this step.
In extreme cases where this requirement is problematic, please call the Sub Branch prior to attendance to see if other arrangements can be made.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
ANZAC Day 2024
Amberley RAAF Base Bus Trip Oct 2024